Mary, My Neighbor Next Door

My neighbor next door to me in Sacramento’s daughter called from San Leandro hospital near Oakland and told us her mother was dying. We got in our car right then and drove to the Hospital. I began to pray and I started speaking in tongues as loud as I could and the equipment went crazy next to her bed and the bed shook. Even the computer at the nurses station went crazy.
The nurse said if she couldn’t breath on her own by the next day she would die. She had gang green all over her liver, kidney and other inner parts inside her body. It was a horrible sight, to see her lying there helpless all swollen up and with tubes sticking in her. When I was praying the bed shook. That scared me and I thought I killed her. The power of God in the room was so strong.When you call on Jesus in faith he is powerful for sure.
The Holy Spirit said, “Do you want me to take her and put her out of her pain or save her. I said Lord save her for her grandchildren. We left the hospital and received a call the next day from her daughter and she said she was breathing on her own. That they could operate and try to get the gang green. They went to operate and open her up and the gang green was gone. Praise God. She is home and lives in Sacramento right now to tell the story and that was 3 years ago.