Our Plans and Adventure to California

We are leaving Thursday staying with a wonderful spirit filled sister we met 14 years ago at church. In Sacramento Thursday night, we will leave at noon Friday, go to my sister Elsie’s house in Sherwood Forest Pioneer. We will spend Friday night and Saturday night at her house. Sherwood Forest in Pioneer California is near Tahoe, and it is beautiful.

My best friend Ronnie is going to come to my sisters house while we are there. We have known each other since little league. We played High school baseball together and went to the championship! Then American Legion baseball after High School. Then we played on a Semi pro team. I was a pitcher and am left handed . He is a center fielder and batted clean up. We have stayed in touch all these years, every week talking about sports and the bible. What another bless-ing it is going to be able to spend the day with him.

Then we are going to leave my sisters house around 8am and drive back to Sacramento. We are going to meet our friend Veronica at Showers of blessings church where Dee and I went for 5 years. Be-fore we came to Oregon Coast. It is an all black Pentecostal church and wow they praise God, like nothing I have seen. We will leave there the church and go to Navaho to see Minister and Elder Sexton. He is spirit filled brother for sure. We will be singing and praising God all night long. Then we go to Redwood City and see my grand-son River and my 3 week old grandson Sawyer. Sawyer means ar-mies victory wow the (River of Life and Sawyer.)

We are going to Target and River my grandson who will be 4 on De-cember 6th is going with Dee and I and my son Joshua and Rebecca Rivers mom. He gets to pick out what ever he wants. Then we are going to Harry’s to eat in Redwood City where my son lives in the heart of the Bay Area, where I was born and spent the first 25 years of my life. I have went to Harry’s to eat since I was 4 like River. I have to go eat there whenever I have went back to visit for many years. It has been there almost 70 years. Then we will go back to his house and he will show me everything, he has done on his house and I will take pictures and videos of the work. I had my son on the job helping me since he was four! He is a General Contractor just like I was for 30 years. We are going to stay in his fifth wheel trailer and it is beautiful.

We will leave Tuesday morning and we are going to Auburn Cali-fornia. To the Biblical gardens, where Dee spread her Dad’s ashes 12 years in the Brook that runs all the way through the garden. What a wonderful place! My mom and her dad died a week apart. I wrote my mom’s name in the book of life which is on the bridge where they have the beatitudes. You walk up a trail all the way to where Jesus is hanging at the top. It is a natural garden of eden and not commercialized. the spirit of god dwells there for sure.

Then we will hit the road back home and stop at Mount Shasta be-fore we leave California. Then back to Oregon where we will drive home. (Please keep us in prayer.) I have not been able to go any-where in 11 years being sick most of those years. Now I feel great and made up my mind we are going. Love everyone who cares and most of all the Comforter and Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ my Savior and The creator God all mighty. Most of all the beautiful and spirit filled wife God gave me. The bible say’s he that has a wife has a good thing. I am so blessed to have her as a friend and mate. God bless